Active Reconnaissance is the method of gathering information directly from the targets. Be aware, This information gathering method may get logged by IDS, IPS, and EDR.

DNS Enumeration


This is a tool to use other open source tools for automated information gathering.

Download Sn1per.

Zone Transfer

If zone transfer is misconfigured, all address will be discovered

host -l ns
dnsrecon -d microsoft

Discover Subdomain

dnsenum -f namelist.txt
sublist3r -o output.txt -d
amass enum -active -d -ip -dir microsoft -src -brute

Check every discovered subdomain manually.

Host Enumeration

Attackers find live hosts, open ports, os version,services running, etc. Two tools can be used effectively.

Nmap Scanning

It is the most popular port scanner and also can identify OS, Live hosts, etc.

Nmap Switch
Switch Description
-Pn No ping scan, useful when target does not allow pinging
-sS Syn Scan
-sU UDP Scan
--open Only display open ports
-A Aggressive Scan(OS and Software Version Detection, Script Scanning, Traceroute)
-O Detect OS version
-sV Enumerate Software version
-sC Also run default nmap scripts to find vulnerability
-p 1-65535 Scan All ports
-p- Scan All ports(Short version of -p 1-65535)
-T1 Slow Scan
-T2 Normal Speed Scan
-T3 Parallel, Normal speed scan
-T4 Parallel, Fast scan
-oN nmap.txt Save output to nmap.txt
-iL Scan list of ip from a text file
Identifying Live Hosts
nmap -sn -oN nmap.txt
Scan IP List From File

If we have some target ips in text file.

nmap -v -oN nmap.txt -iL target.txt
Simple/Basic Scan

Scan for top 1000 ports

nmap -v -oN nmap.txt
Aggressive Scan

Aggressive Scan all ports, also detect OS, Services, Script scanning, and Traceroute

nmap -A -p- -oN nmap.txt
Detect OS Version

Aggressive Scan all ports without sending ICMP request

nmap -O -oN nmap.txt
Detect Software Version

Scan ports, also Detect the Service version

nmap -sV -Pn -oN nmap.txt
Run Default Scripts

Run default scripts to find common vulnerabilities

nmap -v -sC -oN nmap.txt
Stealth Port Scan

Decoy and Spoof Mac

nmap –D,, --spoof-mac

Stealth Scan

nmap -sS -O --max-retries 1
Few ports in a Subnet

Attacker usually will not start scanning all ports at the beginning. They will try to find some common ports such as 80,443,8080 and some others.

nmap -sS -sV -Pn -O -p80,443,8080,22

Port Scan Using Netcat

Scan ports

> nc -zvn 21-100
(UNKNOWN) [] 80 (http) open
(UNKNOWN) [] 22 (ssh) open

Scan a ip lists from file:

while read targets; do nc -v -z $targets 1-65535; done < ips

Manually connect to ports, if it is open, grab the banner

> nc -vvv 80 inverse host lookup failed: Unknown host
(UNKNOWN) [] 80 (http) open
GET / HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Date: Sat, 19 Mar 2022 19:28:33 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.53 (Debian)
Content-Length: 301
Connection: close

Enumerate SMB

smbmap -H

enum4linux -U -o

Enumerate SSH

msf6> use auxiliary/scanner/ssh/ssh_version

ssh root@

Enumerate HTTP/HTTPS

If target host running http/https, Then must be carefully tested for web vulnerabilities. Web pentesting documented in details in Web Pentest Section. Every subdomain, web pages, input point should be tested!

Enumeration Unknown Services

The target host might be running some service we don’t have any knowledge about. For such a situations basic enumeration could be like

  1. Use nmap on that port
  2. Use Netcat to grab the banner
  3. Search for that port/services.
  4. Search for more information using discovered info.
nc -vvv 1337
WH*AT <return><return>

Some more enumeration technique documented Here.

Vulnerability Assessments

If we have done the enumeration correctly and have enough data, we actually can search for vulnerability manually. It could be time consuming, But yeah, the bad hacker take their enough time. If we want more faster result we can use some automated tools to find vulnerability. 

Note: All automated finding should be tested manually!


Nmap can be used for vulnerability scanning too.

nmap --script-updatedb
nmap -T4 -A --script all


Most popular vulnerability scanner.

1st, Click on Create a new scan 

2nd Select Advanced Scan

3rd, Click on Discovery in the sidebar Menu  and Turn off Ping The Remote Host

If it is Internal testing or if have the credential we can provide it on, Credentials Tab

4th, In default all plugins are enabled. But we don’t want that, because we know the OS is Debian Based Linux. So we should select the appropriate plugins

Now save and start scan!

Note: Using Nessus we can also scan for web vulnerability.

Identifying Web Vulnerability

If we have found a web server, it should be carefully analyzed for vulnerability. 


Popular and open-source vulnerability scanner. It usually search for misconfiguration, software version, dangerous files. Does not look for vulnerability like SQLi or RCE .

nikto -h


Usually used to brute force for files and directories

gobuster dir -u http://host/ -t 15 -w /usr/share/dirb/wordlists/common.txt -x .php,txt,conf

Every new directory should be brute forced!


A popular wordpress enumeration and vulnerability scanner

wpscan -e vp --plugins-detection aggressive --api-token API_KEY --url

Burp Suite Pro

If commercial, Then this is the first choice! :)

  • Intercept all request through burp proxy
  • Discover all contents
  • Select the suspicious url from Target→Site map> Scan


Goal is do everything without getting detected. There are high possibility to get detected if we perform Active Information Gathering or Vulnerability Scanning which is not so efficient. But if we still need to scan the target

  • Use Proxy/VPN
  • First Try Manual testing with minimum requests.
  • Avoid scanning entire site
  • Only do slow scan 
  • Only scan suspicious urls

Also, Have a look at This Pentesting Cheatsheet