Enumerate using Google
Using Google or other search engine we may be able to gather some valuable information. We can search for:
- Config files
- SQL File
- Username, Private keys, even passwords
- Error messages
- Any other technical messages
Mostly i use following queries:
#Find pages
site: site.com
#Find Subdomain
site: site.com -www
#Find files php/jsp/aspx/asp/cfm/sql
site: site.com filetype:php
#Find the page if match keywords in title
site: site.com intitle: admin login
#if the title match our keyword
site: site.com intitle: "index of backup.php"
#Find files containing passwords
intitle: "Index of ftp passwords"
#Find page if url has our keywords
site: site.com inurl:?id=
#pages containing login
site: site.com inurl:admin/reset.php -github
For more Google Dorks: Google Hacking Database!
Gather info from Social Site
Basically, I would search for Employee details, Technical post, and some other inofrmation.
What we can do with those information?
- Getting idea about the company
- Social Engineering
- Username/Password Generate
If we found a employee name, we can search that name on Google, Peoples directory to find more about him.
Example query:
- LinkedIn -
site: linkedin.com intitle: Employee Name
- Twitter -
site: twitter.com intitle: Employee Name
- Facebook -
site: facebook.com intitle: Employee Name
- Google -
'Employee Name Company_name'
- Get Employee List of the company from LinkedIn
Banner Grabbing
Banner Grabbing is useful to find existing vulnerability.
whatweb domain.com
nmap -v -p80,443 -sV domain.com
nc -vvv domain.com 80
Send malformed request:
nc -vvv domain.com 80
Explore Target site
DNS Enumeration
Retrieve Common information:
#Check if robots.txt exist
curl -O -Ss http://www.domain.com/robots.txt
#Get IP address
nslookup domain.com
#Get IP, NS, MX etc
nslookup -querytype=ANY domain.com
#Same thing as nslookup using $ host
host domain.com
host -t ns domain.com
host -t mx domain.com
#Zone Transfer
host -l www.domain.com ns1.domain.com
Reverse Lookup with Bash
for iplist in $(seq 190 255); do host x.x.x.$iplist; done | grep -v "not found"
DNS Enumeration Tools
Any newly found virtual host is a important. Other Virtual could be vulnerable If even main domain not vulnerable which could allow us to move to different virtual host.
#Zone Transfer and Brute force subdomain
dnsenum redtm.com
#Zone Transfer and Brute force subdomain
dnsreecon -a -d redtm.com
#Test for zone transfer and brute force dns
fierce --domain redtm.com
#search for virtual host, brute force dns, also look at google
theHarvester -d redtm.com -v -c -b google
Screenshot of theHarvester
Enumerate Applications
Scan port
nmap -v -Pn -p- -sV domain.com
Manually connect to every port for banner grabbing
nc -vvv target.com 80
if any none standard http port open, explore:
See how the URL is structured. For example:
#If we have this url
#Then Try
Check Digital Certificates manually for informations such as as email and using sslyze
sslyze redtm.com
Check other data on the site:
- HTTP Headers - We may get some valuable information like framework version
- Review HTML Source Code - Check for comments and source code structure, may reveal what is being used or even other sensitive info
- Cookies - Cookie structure may tell us what is being used. Such as
clearly indicate PHP is there! - Known files and directories - How about trying some know files or directory?
tell us it is Wordpress - Error Message - This may reveal internal path, username or other sensitive info. Try to browse something like
Enumerate Files and Username
Crawling and File Fuzzing is one of the most important part of web enumeration. What we should search for?
- Find all GET/POST method parameters
- Brute Directory and Files
Nikto is a popular web server scanner. It searches for dangerous files and some common vulnerabilities
nikto -h redtm.com
Burp Suites
Crawl Using Burp Suite Pro
- Intercept the target
- Right click on the target address.
- Engagement Tools>Discover Content
- Click on “Session is not running”
Now what?
- Check all interesting links after crawling and find url parameters
- Manually visit the site, submit form to capture the parameters
Directory Brute Forcing
First, Send the target root directory /
to Intruder
and clear all attack points. And newly create attack point as below
GET /§§ HTTP/1.1
Files Brute Forcing
GET /§name§.§extension§ HTTP/1.1
Select attack type Cluster bomb
Go to Payloads
Tab, Set payload set
to 1
and load the common directory by click on Load
button in the Payload Options
Next set the payload set to 2 and provide file extension:
Click on Start Attack
Another free tool i use is gobuster
to find hidden files and folder:
gobuster dir -u https://host/ -t 15 -w /usr/share/dirb/wordlists/common.txt -x .php,.txt,.conf -k
If we get error something like:
Error: the server returns a status code that matches the provided options for non existing urls. => 200 (Length: 1960). To continue please exclude the status code, the length or use the --wildcard switch
Try with exclude-length
gobuster dir -u -t 15 -w /usr/share/dirb/wordlists/common.txt -x .php,.txt,.conf -k --exclude-length 1960
Now what?
- Use these info to find Auth, Mis-configuration, Business logic, or Injection vulnerabilities.
- Make an effective password attack plan.
- Plan a good social engineering attack.
Without information gathering and enumeration an effective plan is never possible!